Today I attended the People’s Congress or Kongres Rakyat at the Shah Alam Convention Centre. I was one of the 19 speakers . The others included Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Dato’ Seri Mukhriz, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Zaid Ibrahim, Dato Ambiga and others. The hall with a seating capacity of about 1,500…
Kongres Rakyat at Shah Alam Convention Centre
Today I attended the People’s Congress or Kongres Rakyat at the Shah Alam Convention Centre. I was one of the 19 speakers . The others included Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Dato’ Seri Mukhriz, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Zaid Ibrahim, Dato Ambiga and others. The hall with a seating capacity of about 1,500…
Difference Between Lim Guan Eng’s House & Khir Toyo’s House
For those who don’t know how to differentiate the case between Lim Guan Eng’s house and Khir Toyo’s house, the chart tells you the difference.
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday, this is the day for the Christians to mourn for the death of Jesus Christ, and to do reflections and to repent from our sins and wrong doings. I will spend some time to pray for the nation which is in the mess now, and pray for the broken-hearted family members…
Pemberitahuan Pertanyaan Dewan Rakyat bagi Isu Pembinaan Rumah Untuk Mangsa-mangsa Banjir Di Kelantan
This answer tells us that the federal government has only built 436 houses for the Kelantan flood victims so far, 1,391 households are still waiting for houses… —————————————————————————– NO. SOALAN : 64 TARIKH : 23 MAC 2016 ( RABU ) YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan bilangan rumah…
Lim Guan Eng and his controversial bungalow purchase
KINIGUIDE Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his bungalow have been hitting the news for the last week. How did it start, what do we know and what don’t we know? Malaysiakini sifts through the noise and puts together a brief guide on the Jalan Pinhorn bungalow row. The allegation Tasek Gelugor MP Shahbudin…
Press Statement by YB Phee Boon Poh In Regards To Bungalow Purchase Issue on 23 March 2016
The Statutory Declaration Was Made By Ms. Phang On 22.3.2016 Out Of Her Own Free Will And Not Through Despicable Means As Alleged By Minister For Housing And Local Government And BN’s Director of Strategic Communications, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan YAB Lim Guan Eng’s purchase of a bungalow in George Town last year was solely…
Kenyataan Media oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng Berkenaan Isu Pembelian Banglo Pada 23 Mac 2016
Saya tidak hairan melihat PAS dan Umno berganding bahu, mendesak saya supaya bercuti sementara siasatan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) terhadap dakwaan rasuah BN ke atas saya berkenaan pembelian kediaman berusia 30 tahun saya dan penjualan tanah kerajaan di Taman Manggis. Desakan ini adalah jelas bermotifkan politik. Kedua-dua BN dan PAS tidak membuat desakan…