Semalam saya keluar kenyataan membantah cadangan projek Pusat Teknologi Getah Wilayah Timur tang menelan kos perbelanjaan RM100 juta di Jerantut yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahli Parlimen UMNO di Jerantut YB Ahmad Nazlan Idris selaku Pengerusi Lembaga Getah Malaysia (LGM). Di sini saya ingin memberi penerangan atas 2 projek penyelidikan dan pemerosesan getah yang menjadi projek gajah…
Cadangan Untuk Membina Pusat Teknologi Getah Wilayah Timur RM100 Juta di Jerantut Adalah Pembaziran Wang Oleh Ahli Politik Yang Dilantik Oleh Perikatan Nasional
1. Langkah Perdana Menteri YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin “membeli” kesetiaan para Ahli Parlimen PN dengan menawarkan jawatan tertinggi di Badan Berkanun dan Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC) di samping membentuk kabinet pentadbiran yang mengandungi 70 orang Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri telah dengan sendirinya menarik perhatian ramai rakyat Malaysia. Oleh itu, saya tidak akan mengulas lebih…
Rubber Board RM100 million splurge on new tech centre signals : Return to dark days of GLCs run by political appointees
1. Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has rightly drawn much flak from Malaysians over his move to ‘buy’ the loyalty of MPs by rewarding them with top positions in GLCs, with their numbers now at record levels, along with his bloated Cabinet of 70 ministers and deputy ministers. As such, I will not comment…
WHO is urged to retract its discriminatory and misleading information on palm oil in its Covid-19 pandemic dietary advisory, in order to protect the image and authority of WHO in the world community
The recent dietary advisory published by the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO EMRO) advising people not to consume palm oil during the Covid-19 pandemic stating it contains saturated fats. This is a terribly misleading advisory which will jeopardise WHO’s authoritative standing on health and nutrition in the global community. As billions of the world’s…
Malaysia must set up a multi-ministry task force to handle thousands of Malaysian workers stranded in Singapore due to the partial lockdown to curb the Covid-19 pendamic
I am deeply concerned about the predicament of thousands of Malaysian workers stranded in Singapore following the announcement of its “circuit breaker” measure from 7 April to 4 May to curb the spread of Coronavirus in the island republic. According to a news report dated 20 April 2020 in the South China Morning Post, these…
一起学,一起问。 新年新学问!(Tahun Baru, Ilmu Baru. Belajarlah bersama-sama!)
SINGAPORE (MAY 2 2019):- ASEAN countries should stand in solidarity with the palm oil producer members whose commodity is being attacked by those with agenda to protect their own political and economic interests. Speaking on the biased campaigns against palm oil, Minister of Primary Industries YB Teresa Kok told the 6th Singapore Dialogue on…
“Entire Delegated Act process has been based on the politics of protectionism”
I oppose entirely the decision adopted by the European Commission on Wednesday where palm oil is classified as “high risk”. Palm oil producing countries, including Malaysia, have consistently outlined the facts that demonstrate that the Delegated Act is based on inaccurate and discriminatory factors. The decision highlights an unacceptable double standard by the European Commission…