There was drama in Parliament House this afternoon when angry Umno Youth thugs surrounded Karpal Singh and threatened him. Karpal had to phone his colleagues who were inside the House to ask for help. PR MPs dashed to his aid and two MPs were assaulted. Irony is, Hisham today gave a public speech about youth…
“Kenapakah Kontrak Lebuhraya KL-Putrajaya Tidak Diumumkan?”
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN BAGI JAWAB LISAN DEWAN RAKYAT TARIKH: 24 FEBRUARI 2009 (SELASA) SOALAN : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta MENTERI KERJA RAYA menyatakan sebab Kerajaan enggan mengumumkan kontrak Lebuh Raya KL-Putrajaya. Adakah ini disebabkan oleh Syarikat Konsesi Lebuh Raya KL-Putrajaya tidak menunaikan janjinya untuk membina bahagian jalan yang menyambung Putrajaya ke KLIA sebagaimana…
Pertanyaan mengenai tindakan yang diambil oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi ke atas tuduhan penyelewengan kewangan yang berlaku di dalam Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA)
Tarikh : 23 Februari 2009 Soalan : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta MENTERI PEMBANGUNAN USAHAWAN DAN KOPERASI menyatakan tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak Kementerian ke atas tuduhan penyelewengan kewangan yang berlaku di dalam Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA). Apakah pindaan terhadap Akta Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia pada tahun lepas membuka pintu kepada penyelewengan…
Another “Minor” Car Accident
Three days ago while I was rushing to Cyberjaya to join the Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to visit Q Cell, the German solar panel plant, I met with a “minor” accident at the traffic light junction below the KL to Putrajaya elevated Highway. Look at my new Camry! I had only used this…
Selangor Achieved Highest Value of Investments For Past 9 Years
I am pleased to announce that Selangor attracted RM11.87 billion of investments in 2008 ranking her number two amongst all the states in Malaysia, according to the records of Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA). According to MIDA, the abovementioned amount includes 302 investment projects comprising 202 new investments projects valued at RM6.353 billion and 100…
Selangor Menarik Pelaburan Kedua Tinggi Pada 2008 Selangor Tarik Pelaburan RM11.87b Pada 2008 Tuesday, 17 February 2009 | Ruangan: Berita SHAH ALAM, 17 Februari – Ketua Eksekutif Pusat Pelaburan Negeri Selangor (SSIC) Berhad, Dato’ Mhd Jabar Ahmad Kembali berkata Selangor telah mencatatkan peningkatan dalam jumlah pelaburan yang diluluskan kepada 302 projek perkilangan bernilai RM11.87 bilion tahun lalu berbanding dengan 318 projek…
DAP Line Dance Club is good family fun
I was very busy on Valentine’s Day with a series of public activities. On that night, a group of line dancers who have grouped under the name of DAP Line Dance Club performed happily at Sri Petaling Hall. I have almost lost touched with them since the line dance club was formed last year. Now…
Statement of MACC Chief Appears Politically Motivated
The statement of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief on the ongoing corruption investigations on Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim appears to be politically motivated and smacks of double standards. The whole episode seems to be linked to the political situation in Perak where the Barisan Nasional is being frustrated by a political impasse of…