Pada tahun 2008, selepas saya menjawat Exco Kerajaan Selangor, saya menghadapi banyak tohmahan daripada Utusan Malaysia dan UMNO. Dalam bulan September tahun 2008 itu, fitnah disebar dalam internet yang mengatakan saya mengajak penduduk di Puchong melarang azan di sebuah masjid baru di Bandar Kinrara 5. Selain itu, saya dituduh memberi arahan kepada masjid untuk memperlahankan nada azan di Masjid Kota…
Hello, jaguh kampung…
I have not been issuing statements for quite some time. Not that I don’t have anything to say. Just that I have been “speechless” looking at many ridiculous issues that are happening before our eyes. I wonder how many people in the streets are aware of the direction the country is heading. It is quite…
AES Masih Dilaksanakan & Kompaun AES Masih Harus Dibayar
AES Masih Dilaksanakan?? Ini adalah jawapan Parlimen yang saya terima pada hari ini: PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN : BAGI JAWAB LISAN DARIPADA : PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM [SEPUTEH] TARIKH : 1 JULAI 2013 (ISNIN) SOALAN : 61 PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM [SEPUTEH] minta MENTERI PENGANKUTAN menyatakan apakah status pemantauan kesalahan…
Candlelight Vigil
On 23rd May (Thursday) evening, after the DAP thanksgiving ceramah at Amcorp Mall PJ ended, I went to Jinjang Police Station where Tian Chua, Haris Ibrahim and Tamrin Ghafar, were detained. When I arrived there near to 12 midnight, about 200 people were still outside the police station and speeches were being made at that…
GE 13 Seputeh Parliament Seat Voting Result Analysis
Some Seputeh voters are curious about the voting results of their constituency for the General Elections on 5th May, 2013.I feel duty-bound to inform you why DAP can get highest majority in the country: Source:
BN – You speak for the minority #2
BN – You Speak for the minority #1
“Amidst all the post-election recriminations, finger-pointing and charges of electoral misconduct and fraud, let’s remember the single most important point: BN is not supported by the majority of Malaysians. It is a domineering minority which cannot claim to speak for us.” – Source: REFSA (
National Conference for DAP reps
In the meeting of MPs and State Assemblypersons of DAP at Boulevard Hotel at KL today, our party advisor Sdr Lim Kit Siang invited all his former political secretaries to come up on the stage to have a group photograph. He also named Dyana Sofya (standing next to him) as his new political secretary for…