PETALING JAYA: DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kok has hit back at MCA’s claim that DAP MPs in the Dewan Rakyat had failed to oppose Marang MP Abdul Hadi Awang when he was delivering his speech to table a motion to amend the shariah act last Thursday. The Seputeh MP described the assertion by MCA deputy president…
DAP: Clear sign BN’s consensus was to allow Hadi’s bill
A DAP leader has hit out at MCA, claiming the latter had likely been aware that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill to amend syariah punishment limits would be tabled. DAP national vice chairperson Teresa Kok was responding to MCA’s constant attacks at DAP over the tabling of the bill in Parliament, which…
国阵在355 法案上为伊党放行, 显示马华把关失败,成为历史罪人
(吉隆坡 9日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁指国阵让哈迪阿旺在国会提呈修正355法案的动议,但是却不容许其他议员反驳和辩论的做法,显示马华在355法案事件上已经把关失败,成为历史罪人。 她说,魏家祥长篇大论批评行动党议员没在国会反击伊党议员的辩论的文告,并不能掩饰马华无法阻止巫统让路给伊党提呈修正355法令动议,并让议长阻止在野党议员参与辩论的窘境。
Lengthy statement by Wee Ka Siong wont help to cover up the failure of MCA to prevent the tabling of RUU 355 and the disallowing of the opposition to participate in the debate
On the issue of the tabling of Hadi Awang’s Private Member’s Bill, MCA has again displayed its political trait of being ‘tiger head and snake tail’. After MCA’s failure to prevent Hadi Awang from tabling the Private Member’s Bill, RUU 355 to amend the Syariah Courts ( Criminal Jurisdiction ) Act 1965, MCA Deputy President…
Ong: Umno trying to stop thousands of Chinese from voting
PETALING JAYA: Ong Kian Ming has accused Umno of having a racial agenda in filing objections to registration of new voters. Pointing to data obtained from the Election Commission (EC) on the objections made last year, the Serdang MP said Umno are making spurious objections to young people being registered as voters, especially in Selangor….
Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong & Subramaniam on RUU355 debate, who told the truth? 廖中莱和魏家祥应向人民交待, 到底他俩和苏巴马廉谁说真话?
(吉隆坡8日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁呼吁马华领导廖中莱和魏家祥应向人民交待,在哈迪的355 法令修正的私人动议在国会被放行的课题上,马华和国大党领袖各执其词。到底马华是否事先被告知,还是苏巴马廉向媒体撒谎? 也是士布爹区国会议员的郭素沁说,在伊党主席哈迪的355法令修正私人动议在国会辩论以后,马华领袖把责任推给议长,并说国阵不曾讨论过要让路给哈迪的动议,但是国大党主席苏巴马廉却声称国阵成员党早已被告知。人民有权力知道到底谁在说真话,因为人民对马华和国大党领袖的不同言论,感到混惑。
Charge against Tajuddin’s son too light, says Nur Jazlan
PETALING JAYA: The charge that Firdaus Tajuddin and seven others are facing for allegedly mobbing Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad last year is too light and undermines the sanctity of restricted areas like the Parliament, says Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed. “If it was up to me, the punishment would be much heavier. But…
Kit Siang: Who is the bloody fool now?
Saying Hadi’s bill will have to be tabled afresh at the next Dewan Rakyat, DAP parliamentary leader claims yesterday’s drama in Parliament was scripted by BN. PETALING JAYA: DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has slammed yesterday’s parliamentary proceedings, asking who the “bloody fool” is now following the uproar over PAS’ shariah bill. Saying that Pandikar…