I like this photo taken in the Seputeh DAP Fundraising Dinner on 29 April 2017 very much. Tun Mahathir and his wife raised the placard of #TolakKleptokrasi together with all the participants of the dinner ……This photo sympbolise the unity of the rakyat to reject Kleptocracy in Malaysia
Fundraising Dinner for the Seputeh Service Centre on 29 April 2017 at SJKC Yoke Nam at OUG
We have had a successful fundraising dinner for the Seputeh service centre on 29 April 2017 at SJKC Yoke Nam at OUG. We opened 120 tables that night, this is the maximum number of tables that can be fit in that hall. The speakers for the dinner were Tun Dr Mahathir, Liew Chin Tong, Dr…
MP: Why 7As for overseas scholarships but 9A+ for local scholarships?
DAP lawmaker Teresa Kok also wants the Public Service Department to explain why a student with 11A+ has not been given a scholarship under the South Korea, France and Germany Special Programme. PETALING JAYA: DAP’s Teresa Kok wants to know why the academic requirements for the Public Service Department (PSD) overseas scholarship programme are less…
Hadi’s ‘brilliant’ move against editor of Sarawak Report
Clare Rewcastle-Brown has two options; but in exercising them, she will have to provide alot of information and documents about 1MDB and the money trail. I read somewhere that Hadi Awang has commenced a defamation suit against Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the owner of Sarawak Report in the London High Court. This is over her allegation that…
Parti Cinta Sabah pulls out of local Sabah alliance
By leaving the alliance, PCS hopes it can play an important role in facilitating formal discussions with all opposition parties in Sabah to form a grand opposition alliance. PETALING JAYA: Parti Cinta Sabah (PCS) has pulled out of the five-party local opposition group Gabungan Sabah or United Sabah Alliance (USA). PCS president Wilfred Bumburing said…
Muktamar PAS ke-63 ‘tak ada class’, kata Zaid Ibrahim
PAS dilihat lebih berminat menyerang Amanah dan saman Clare berbanding bincang isu sekolah tahfiz. PETALING JAYA: Datuk Zaid Ibrahim hari ini menyifatkan mesyuarat agung tahunan Pemuda, Ulama dan Wanita PAS yang berlangsung hari ini sebagai tiada “class”, kerana tidak membawa isu mendesak seperti keselamatan pelajar sekolah tahfiz dan peluang pekerjaan lepasan sekolah Arab.
Strip my citizenship too, Bersatu Youth chief tells NGOs
A courageous statement from Syed Saddiq 👍😁 ******************************************************** Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Youth chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman said those seeking to revoke citizenships granted to non-Malays from 1957 to 1970 should push for his citizenship to be stripped as well. “If you want to strip them of their citizenship, I suggest that you…
Condolences pour in over Mohamad Thaqif’s death
PETALING JAYA: Condolences and heartfelt sympathies poured in for the family of Mohamad Thaqif Amin Mohd Gaddafi following news of the 11-year-old boy’s death on Wednesday. Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar extended his condolences over Mohamad Thaqif’s death. A picture of Mohamad Thaqif with the word “Al-Fatihah” was posted on both the…