Time: 8pm – midnight Date: 27 February 2010 Venue: i-City, Section 7, Shah Alam. View map. The programme will include a live orchestra, drum performance, traditional Malay, Chinese and Indian dances, choir singing and even chinese yo-yo performance. To top it off, there’s going to be dragon dance and fireworks! It is going to be…
Selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah mosque in Shah Alam Photo credit: INK
Robust investments in Selangor continue under Pakatan Rakyat government
Robust investments in Selangor continue under PR government http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/business/54444-robust-investments-in-selangor-continue-under-pr-government By Neville Spykerman SHAH ALAM, Feb 25 — The Selangor government said today the state received RM6.76 billion of investments in 2009, creating more than 20,000 jobs. In disclosing this today, state executive councillor for investments, trade and industry Teresa Kok said the latest statistics proved…
Selangor masih pilihan terbaik bagi pelabur
Selangor masih pilihan terbaik bagi pelabur http://www.selangorkini.com.my/my/berita/10598 SHAH ALAM, 25 FEB – Walaupun ekonomi Negara dan dunia memperlihatkan kegawatan ekonomi, namun bilangan projek perindustrian yang tinggi di Selangor menunjukkan bahawa ekonomi Selangor masih mantap dan merupakan destinasi pelaburan yang paling menarik bagi pelabur asing dan tempatan. Data Malaysia Industri Development Authority (MIDA) menunjukkan bahawa tohmahan…
Industrial investment statistics for Selangor for 2009 as provided by MIDA
Table 1, 2, 3 and 4 below are attachment to my press statement issued today on how Selangor has achieved industrial investment worth RM 6.76b, the highest number of industrial projects (278 projects) and the highest number of job opportunities (over 20,000 jobs) in Malaysia in 2009. For a better display, please download the PDF…
雪兰莪州高级行政议员郭素沁于2010年2月24日在莎阿南的发布的新闻稿 在2009年,雪兰莪取得67.6亿的工业投资,是马来西亚获得最多工业投资项目(278项目)和创造最多就业机会(超过2万个职位)的州属。 根据马来西亚工业发展局(MIDA)最新数据显示,在2009年,雪兰莪州取得总值67.6亿零吉的工业投资。 在全球经济不景气的去年,这个总额远超过雪兰莪州政府在去年初定下的40亿零吉的工业投资目标。
Selangor achieves industrial investment worth RM 6.76b, the highest number of industrial projects (278 projects) and the highest number of job opportunities (over 20,000 jobs) in Malaysia in 2009
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO on 24 February 2010 in Shah Alam Selangor achieves industrial investment worth RM 6.76b, the highest number of industrial projects (278 projects) and the highest number of job opportunities (over 20,000 jobs) in Malaysia in 2009 MIDA (Malaysia Industrial Development Authority)’s latest data on investment in…
Selangor mencapai pelaburan perindustrian bernilai RM 6.76b, jumlah projek perindustrian yang tertinggi (278 projects) dan jumlah peluang perkerjaan yang tertinggi (lebih 20,000) di Malaysia pada 2009
Kenyataan akhbar oleh Teresa Kok, Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor pada 24 Februari 2010 di Shah Alam Selangor mencapai pelaburan perindustrian bernilai RM 6.76b, jumlah projek perindustrian yang tertinggi (278 projects) dan jumlah peluang perkerjaan yang tertinggi (lebih 20,000) di Malaysia pada 2009 Data terkini MIDA (Malaysia Industrial Development Authority) mengenai pelaburan di Malaysia…