(吉隆坡28日讯)民主行动党士布爹区国会议员郭素沁形容,内政部长希山慕丁批准土著权威组织在志愿警卫团设立一个只让該組織成员加入 的“效忠国家队”(Briged Setia Negara)的专属小组为荒谬、危险和完全不能让人接受的举动,这也凸显出国阵特别是巫统,暗中支该组织继续拨弄种族课题。
也是雪州高级行政议员的郭素沁发表文告说,土著权威组织曾三番四次挑起事端,散播恐吓性的言论和煽动种族间的纠纷;就在上周,土权更高调建议巫统推动团结马来民族的“一个马来人,一个土著 ”运动,但却没有受到对付。
I would suggest the Auditor General to launch an audit into the financing and funding of this private army,looking at its terms of reference, whether they actually carrying out the activities and justification in terms of nation building, as well as the prices at which goods and services are supplied to this private army.
This Bloody Stupid Nonsense do not appear to look good sitting next to the World Bank Report which basically tell the BN administration not to screw around anymore if it needs talented brains to return and raise the standard of living….no point standing victoriously with bambo spears over smouldering destroyed attap villages….Malaysia should look at maintaing its standard of living before these Perkasa members, as well as other Malaysian’s, children ended up as construction workers in Vietnam and China.