Pada sesi parlimen 25 Oktober 2009, saya telah membangkitkan masalah kekurangan pekerja industri di Malaysia kepada Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Dr S Subramaniam. Masalah ini meruncing berikutan pembekuan pengambilan pekerja asing oleh kerajaan pusat.
Isu ini perlu diberi perhatian kerana para pelabur sering mengadu bahawa mereka tidak dapat mengupah pekerja-pekerja yang diperlukan bagi industri-industri mereka. Masalah ini menghalang mereka daripada melabur dan ini adalah satu kerugian bagi ekonomi kita.
Nampaknya berlaku kurang koordinasi di antara MIDA yang menarik pelabur asing ke negara dan kerajaan pusat yang membentuk dasar bagi tenaga kerja yang diperlukan.
Saya dirakam pada 0:00 – 0:05 dan 2:05 – 6:16.
To solve the problem of shortage of industry manufacturing workers, there must be coordinated effort from the the various ministries. Our schools have to produce sufficient numbers of secondary school-leavers who are not only proficient in languages, especially english, but are also dedicated and patriotic workers. Over the years, we have trained many quality workers, only to see them going to work in Singapore’s industries. Malaysia needs to provide more and better jobs for the tens of thousands of school-leavers if it ever hopes to become a manufacturing hub par excellence in SEA. It is easier said than done.
The education ministry has to prepare our youngsters to careers in the manufacturing and agriculture sectors. To instill this ‘phak piah’ in hokkien spirit in our youths.