Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) strongly supports the call by the civil society organisation Bersih 2.0 for Clean, Free and Fair elections in Malaysia, as should all members of the public and civil society, regardless of political affiliation. Election results must truly reflect the wishes of the people. The fight against corruption in any country begins…
MalaysianYouth4Change: Video 1 – Dear Mommy & Daddy, What’s my future?
A story of a young lady asking her parents what’s in store for her in Malaysia, and urging them to change for her sake. Please share this video with your friends and family.
KDN nafi meluluskan Perkasa untuk merekrut anggota RELA sebagai ahlinya
Pemberitahuan Pertanyaan bagi Jawab Lisan Dewan Rakyat Pertanyaan: Lisan Daripada: Pn Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] Tarikh: 23 Jun 2011 Rujukan: 3780 Soalan: Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta MENTERI DALAM NEGERI menyatakan sebab Kementerian meluluskan cadangan PERKASA untuk rekrut anggota RELA sebagai ahlinya. Apakah ini menunjukkan pengiktirafan Kerajaan terhadap…
Why minimum wage only for security guards, and not other workers?
Thursday June 23, 2011 Security guards’ minimum wage based on commission of inquiry report THE minimum wage for security guards was determined following the setting up of a commission of inquiry on the terms of employment for these workers, Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said. The commission’s report, which was submitted to…
KENYATAAN AKHBAR 21 JUN 2011 MCA, FAHAM DULU UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH NEGERI. Tindakan MCA yang tiba-tiba bersuara lantang baru-baru ini bukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan. Ia merupakan tindakan biasa bagi parti politik yang telah hilang punca. Justeru, tindakan mereka dilihat semata-mata cuba menunjukkan parti itu masih relevan selepas menerima tamparan hebat dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 yang…
MP vows to rekindle school issue
Tashny Sukumaran | June 18, 2011 A school building has been left abandoned for years, and the authorities pass the buck on who is responsible. KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor exco and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has promised to bring up the issue of an abandoned school building SK Danau Desa in Parliament for the second time…
种族和宗教歧视政策不摒弃, 郭素沁质疑人才机构功能
种族和宗教歧视政策不摒弃 郭素沁质疑人才机构功能 (吉隆坡17日讯)民主行动党士爹区国会议员郭素沁指出,如果国阵政府不彻底解决社会的不公义,包括摒弃以种族和宗教歧视的方式去招揽流失到海外的专业人士回国,她对获得3千万拨款的人才机构(Talent Corporation)能否有效执行任务感到怀疑。 她说,该机构需“周游列国”寻找大马的专业人士,推行人才回流计划(REP)丶居留证计划丶鉴定人力资源需要的部门工作计划,以及推广有关国家转型计划的工作机会等,这笔拨款严格来说属于恰当。
Protest against hill slope development with Bukit OUG Condo residents
On 13 June 2011, Teresa Kok led the residents of Bukit OUG condominium in a protest against hill slope development outside DBKL. The steep hill slope beside their condominium had been stripped of the trees and vegetation, and without any public notice at that, leaving the hill slope exposed, risking landslide and endangering the…