Today, the Vietnamese organiser of the Asia-Pacific region of the IPU seminar took all the MPs of the seminar to visit the mangrove forestry area at the Can Gino District, a coastal zone of Ho Chi Minh City.
PAS officially cuts off PKR
KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 — PAS formally ended cooperation with PKR today, with the Islamist party’s powerful Syura Council deciding this was necessary to defend its Islamic agenda.
The Seminar of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam
Today I am attending the seminar of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.
Pelajar UiTM dikerah hadir ke sambutan ulang tahun Umno
SAMBUTAN ulang tahun Umno ke-71 yang dijadualkan berlangsung di Stadium Bukit Jalil hari ini turut dihadiri pelajar Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) yang menerima arahan wajib hadir. The Malaysian Insight difahamkan pelajar tersebut merupakan pelajar kokurikulum tahun satu hingga tiga, serta turut melibatkan pelajar badan beruniform tahun satu. Seorang pelajar UiTM Shah Alam yang tidak mahu…
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada parti politik terbesar negara, Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO) bersempena sambutan ulang tahunnya yang ke-71 pada hari ini. Sebagai sebuah parti politik yang menjadi teras dan tunjang kepada pemerintahan negara dengan jumlah kerusi yang terbanyak, pemimpin-pemimpinnya berperanan penting dalam merangka dasar pentadbiran negara bagi pembangunan dan…
PPBM-related survey method is questionable, experts say
It is important for a survey to have respondents who reflect the demographics of the country, say academics, of survey that shows Muhyiddin is most favoured as prime minister and PAS is the most popular party. PETALING JAYA: To say a survey accurately represents the sentiments on the ground, it has to be conducted in…
Hindraf wants to join Pakatan, guns for MIC seats
Hindraf chairman P. Waythamoorthy said his Indian rights non-governmental organisation would become a political party to help Pakatan Harapan win over Indian voters. The Indian rights non-governmental organisation, which announced earlier today that it would convert into a political party, also said it could help Pakatan Harapan in 31 federal and 59 state seats with…
Sabahans, Sarawakians say firm ‘no’ to Hadi’s bill
On April 6, Parliament hastily cleared all government business to allow for the tabling of the controversial “Bill 355” which aims to expand the syariah courts’ criminal jurisdiction from three years of imprisonment, RM5,000 in fine and six strokes of the whip (the 3-5-6 limit) to 30 years, RM100,000 and 100 strokes (the 30-100-100 limit)….